Monday, August 30, 2010

Something to note,

the next time I travel to a country that grows cacao, I will pay attention to where the equator lies in relation to the country I am visiting, since this effects the triglycerides in the bean itself.  This is important to know since it is the fats, the triglycerides, that determine how hard the chocolate will be when tempered and gives the chocolatier a better idea of the highest and lowest heat ranges needed to create their best product.  Knowing this little piece of knowledge would have helped me tremendously as I began making chocolate with the beans I had brought back from Finmac, and saved me a lot of time and trouble and a few choice words, that are best left unwritten.  Once I did my homework and learned that Costa Rica is very close to the equator (all of three minutes), I was able to adjust my recipes and create some lovely chocolate.  Viva Costa Rica! Pura Vida Costa Rica.

(A big thank you to Becky Sands who provided me with this picture.  As always, all words. pictures and content may not be used unless you have permission from me)