Monday, September 13, 2010

While eating a piece of chocolate...

 Another thank you to Becky Sands for the pictures.
I contemplate the enormous amount of human effort it takes to create it .  At Catie, the process of planting the trees requires  back breaking work, a lot of common sense and attention to detail, during which the farmer must constantly attend and defend the tree and pod from the many pests, diseases, and fungus that seem to attack all cacao trees.

Then one must pick the fruits of one's labor.  The men who work at Finmac were very patient with us, giving us the opportunity to experience the skillful work of cutting off the pods, from the middle and upper parts of the tree, using the knives attached to long poles. It was tricky to cut the pod without damage to the limb, allow it to drop to the ground, and then pierce it with the small curved knife on the reverse side of the long pod cutting tool. We all  attempted to gracefully transport the pod through the air into the very large backpack and, once the backpack was full, tip all of the pods into the bucket.   
The men of Finmac  removed the good fruit (and often the bad fruit was cut down and buried later on that day) of an entire tree in the same amount of time it took us to cut down one pod; and they even dumped the pods into the buckets above .

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